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  • This Blog currently has over 20 Healthy Habit Challenges to get you back on track!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Organizing traps to avoid from a used to be super anal now just appropriately anal organizer!

I went to start de-cluttering the garage today.  My husband graciously started for me last week.  I wasn't expecting it to be better than he started in fact, I somewhat expected it to be a little worse!  But, what I got was a list in my head of at least 3 traps one could fall into when attempting a big clean out ( and a few choice words mixed in between that I will spare you of)

I suspect that the type of mama who would be part of a group geared toward RE--gaining control of your life after a baby might know some of these traps-but lets just say you don't and you really need help with a big clean out-and let me just rant a little about how my husband fell into all of these traps and maybe, just maybe you'll pick up a tip that will help you tackle a tough space!

Top 3 traps to avoid with a big clean out!

1. Not throwing trash away as you go.
     The first thing I do when cleaning up, looking for lost items and organizing is to find all the trash and toss it!  There is something extremely satisfying about getting garbage out of your way and home!  If you toss the trash in a pile to be cleaned up later during a large project, chances are you won't get to tossing the trash before your time in the space is up for the day.  There are 2 problems with this: 1. It will be extremely hard to see your progress when you quite for the day and 2. The space will be just as messy or messier when you start up with the project again and you'll have to clean up just to continue organizing! TWO MAJOR MOTIVATION KILLERS!

2. Moving items that are being taken out of the space to just another part of the room!
    Obviously doing this will cause the same defeat as the trap above, however you will also not be utilizing your most powerful tool-space!  The hardest part about organizing is not the putting everything back part, I mean how many times have you went out and spent a fortune on organizers only to have them sit in your house for months! The challenging part of an organizing project is making the space to organize.  So please make a nice trash bag for the trash, a box for donation and a box for items that belong in another space and AS SOON as those boxes and bags are full, bring them where they belong!  Before you do anything else, call the donation center or put the box in your car, put items away that belong in other parts if your house and dump the trash!! It's all about creating space!

3. Keeping Shit (capital S) you don't need!
   I am the exact opposite of a hoarder, I love de-cluttering and the feeling I get when creating space out of chaos! My husband on the other hand cannot part with anything! He thinks "what if i need it?".  Don't fall into this trap!!  'if you needed it you would have used it and if you need it again years from now it will cost you less to buy a new and improved one then it will to rent space in my garage-i mean your house:)  So if you haven't used it in 6 months and it didn't cost you over $100 and you don't see yourself needing it THIS month-toss it, or donate it or have a yard sale, then toss or donate what's left -whatever makes you happier as long as it is gone and you have created some space.

So next time you decide to tackle a giant space and you are overwhelmed with where to start-I hope you try your best to avoid these three traps!  Wish my hubby was equipped to fight against these traps, but for now, I am stuck de-cluttering the clutter he made de-cluttering :/

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