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This Blog currently has over 20 Healthy Habit Challenges to get you back on track!!

  • This Blog currently has over 20 Healthy Habit Challenges to get you back on track!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Healthy Habit #1-Get Drinkin!

I challenge you to drink 8 cups of water everyday.
Why? There are so many reasons water is good for you and it's really important to get the right amount. Here are a few: When you are dehydrated your blood is thicker which can lead to heart disease. Water cleanses waste from your system. Water fights fatigue and gives you energy by breaking down triglycerides. 

Ok-so this may sound simple and easy and the good new is, it is! When you drink water your body naturally craves water so this shouldn't be hard to make a habit. Some tips from Simple steps are to designate a favorite or fancy glass to drink from, Be sure to know how you like to drink water (room temp, chilled, etc...) and store lots of it that way (in a pantry or a separate shelf in the fridge) Also every time you drink 1 cup of caffeine or exercise for 15 minutes, you should add another cup of water to your goal each day. To get them all in if you are not use to drinking this much water try having 1 glass before each meal, one during each way on a commute in the car to work, the grocery store, the park, etc and one bottle for each nap your baby takes (if you are at home) You should be up to at least 6 if you take one outing a day and your baby naps once:) If you don't like plain water-add a twist of lemon, lime, fresh herb or a splash of cranberry juice. Good luck! It may take a week or so for your body to regulate this much water so plan on lots of potty breaks throughout the day. If you found a great way to incorporate the 8 cups into your day, please share...:)

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