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This Blog currently has over 20 Healthy Habit Challenges to get you back on track!!

  • This Blog currently has over 20 Healthy Habit Challenges to get you back on track!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Healthy Habit #4-Write it down!

To start this week off, I challenge you to keep a food journal.  I was hesitant to post this challenge because I know how busy we all are and keeping track of everything you have eaten for the day may sound a little obsessive.  However there are some great benefits to this habit!

In a recent study, it was found people who kept a food journal realized they had been underestimating their food intake by an average of 1,000 calories!  In order to lose weight/get fit, it is essential to take in less food or calories than we expand.  A food journal creates awareness of how much and what types of foods we are eating.  Journaling can help you pinpoint the cause various ailments such as headaches and insomnia!! It will also help you pinpoint your hungriest times and help with planning healthy meals and snacks.

Here how to attach this challenge to your daily life:
Get a special note book and begin each day by heading a page with the date.  Keep your journal with you throughout the day.  Write down everything you put into your mouth and what time. Look over your journal a few times per week to see if there are some bad food habits you need to work on and to help with your grocery list for next week!
If you have an iphone, I found this free app to do all your food journaling in:
Good luck!!

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